Many people believe that the number one secret to a healthy relationship is having good communication skills. I couldn't agree more. That and understanding. You have to first understand than be understood and that is through communication.The ability to tell each other thoughts, feeling and wants is so important, It brings peace and harmony to the relationship, and honestly without communication a relationship can not last.
Communication is not just talking, it's also listening. In order to understand your partner you have to listen, to fully understand what they are telling you about how they are feeling and what they are thinking. Listening is not just hearing what the person is saying. It's paying attention to what is being said. Though you probably listen to your partner a lot, the question is, are you listening effectively? Listening while texting or watching t.v is not a sign of your undivided attention. As a matter of fact it says that what the person is saying is unimportant and minuscule, who ever wants to feel unimportant?
Communication is not just talking, it's also listening. In order to understand your partner you have to listen, to fully understand what they are telling you about how they are feeling and what they are thinking. Listening is not just hearing what the person is saying. It's paying attention to what is being said. Though you probably listen to your partner a lot, the question is, are you listening effectively? Listening while texting or watching t.v is not a sign of your undivided attention. As a matter of fact it says that what the person is saying is unimportant and minuscule, who ever wants to feel unimportant?
Communication isn't complicated at all. It can be achieved through patience and the desire to be together. Good communication skills also helps to prevent unnecessary arguments and misunderstandings between each other. We all have faults and some of us aren't good communicators. It can stem from past relationships or even how we were raised as children. However, we should not let our past dictate our future. Hidden resentments can hinder the relationship as well as kept secrets. If something is bothering you, unless your partner is a mind reader they are not going to know that. So talk about it, express yourself. If your scared to talk about anything , than maybe you shouldn't be in that relationship, period.
I know often times men hate to have "the talk" about what ever "the talk" may be about, but sometimes you have to sit him down and express your problems and then ask him to help you. Men love finding solutions to problems. So ladies encourage your man to listen to you by showing appreciation when he does. And men start making time for you and your woman to converse. A genuine relationship can never begin without understanding, communication and putting your best foot forward. So start understanding so that you could be understood. At the end of the day isn't that what we all truly want?